Praying with Children

During the time of social distancing, self-isolation or “sheltering in place” my own dear mom, Gail Hatch, will offer a series of reflections and prayer prompts to use with children.

They can be found here:

Shelter in Place

Wonder in a Time of Worry

From Sorrow to Joy

Resurrection Miracles

Fluttering Signs of God’s Creation

Finding God in Quiet Places

Meeting Jesus at Jairus’ House

Finding Comfort in Troubled Times

Gail Hatch has worked with primary age children for decades in classrooms and churches, which grew her desire to support parents and family life. She loves books on parenting, children’s prayer, faith formation, as well as contemplative writings. Any literature which draws children into the beauty and joy of knowing their creator is, to her, a priceless treasure. Her children and grandchildren have given her an abundant life.

Previous audio meditations for children from Contemplative at Home can be found here:

Examen for Children

Christmas Meditation for Children

A written post about observing the stations of the cross with children can be found here:

Stations of the Cross with Children