Resurrection Miracles: Bunnies, Chicks and Easter Eggs

A written meditation to share with children by Gail Hatch.

Gather the Family:

Over a meal together place some Easter decorations on the table. Have paper and crayons handy. During the meal invite the family to look at the decorations and enjoy conversations around the following questions:

-Which Easter decorations are your favorites? 

-What do you think decorations like wind-up bunnies, fuzzy chicks, grassy baskets, lovely flowers and spring colored Easter eggs have to do with the resurrection of Jesus? 

Once the meal is over, clear dishes and offer crayons and paper for children.

Listen while you color:  

Jesus’ mission was to bring his Father’s life-changing love to earth. The love and spirit of God, which filled Jesus, was miraculous.  He healed eyes that couldn’t see, feet that couldn’t walk, and hearts that were broken. He brought hope to the sad and lonely and joy and laughter to children. One day, when a little girl died, he brought her back to life. Crowds gathered around him– sometimes thousands of people. His stories held them for hours at a time. As they opened their hearts to receive God’s love some jumped for joy and others sang their hearts out!

 Many who met Jesus ran home to tell others of the miracles and God’s unending love. Certain people never left Jesus’ side. They believed that Jesus was truly God’s son sent as their Messiah. When they learned that the heavens and the earth and they themselves were created by God’s love, they felt their lives mattered and that they belonged. Those who decided to follow the Lord Jesus went along wherever he went helping him bring love and healing miracles to others.   

The biggest miracle of all didn’t happen until Jesus died- that’s when God’s overflowing, powerful love destroyed the power of death! Instead of staying dead Jesus was resurrected! He walked and talked with his friends and even grilled a fish breakfast on the beach for them. Then he returned to his home to be with God the Father in heaven. 

Easter decorations are symbols that remind us of the best miracle of all: that Jesus was resurrected from the dead and lives!  Baby chicks hatching from eggs, nests cradling new life, bulbs pushing through dark soil into blooms of color, baby bunnies dancing over fields, barren trees bursting forth into tiny blossoms, unfurling green leaves… These are all Springtime miracles of resurrection.  

Share drawings, encourage conversation as desired and end with prayer:

Thank you, God for symbols and signs of miracles that remind us that Jesus was resurrected from the dead!  May we watch and listen for the many miracles Spring holds for us each day. 


If it’s difficult to be outside at this time, enjoy the following site of tiny miracles:

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