Poem for Sixth Sunday after Trinity

We Shall Meet When the Danger is Over

If you can, listen and watch a video of this song by the Norwegian musician Hilde
Svela on YouTube. I heard a version of it on the 8.10am BBC Radio 4 Service
led by John Bell on Sunday June 28.

“Only love can make everything new.”

In the Revelation to St John (21: 5) Jesus says: Behold, I am making all things
new. What are the NEW things we have discovered in these last months? What
do we want to hold on to? This is a time to be in prayer asking God to help us
remember what we have discovered and to help us imagine the future. What does
that mean for each of us, for our churches, for our communities and the wider
world? Let’s pray to notice where love is already at work making all things new,
and join in.

-Tina Lamb

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