Online Retreat: Exploring my Identity as the Beloved

Join Lissy and others from the Contemplative at Home community as we explore what it means to be the beloved of the Divine.

You are more wildly and intimately loved than you can possibly imagine.

I believe that the central aim of the spiritual journey is to allow this truth to break over us, sink in, and be received at ever deepening levels of our souls.

It is only out of deep trust in this Love that we can most healthily bear the Light of Christ to the world.

So let’s explore together,

through Lectio Divina, journalling, gentle movement and other contemplative reflection:

Love, Love, Love.

Saturday 19 February

4:00 – 6:15 pm UK time

8:00 – 10:15 am San Francisco

11:00 – 1:15pm New York

5:00 – 7:15 am Aukland, 20 Feb

Sign up here.

You can join us live on Zoom, or catch up with the recording in your own time.

Suggested donation £20-40 at your discretion. Donation not required for attendance.

2 Comments on “Online Retreat: Exploring my Identity as the Beloved

  1. Hi Lissy. I recently came upon your guided meditation with God in the redwood forest. So beautiful. May I ask what the name of your background music is in that meditation? I felt like I was there. I am also a yoga instructor and find your meditations so inspiring. I signed up for your newsletter and look forward to hearing from you. Love and sweet blessings! Diana

  2. Hi Diana, lovely to meet you virtually! Thanks for saying hello, its always nice to connect with a fellow yoga teacher! Thanks for signing up for my newsletter, too! All the music at contemplative at home is made by my brother specifically for the show. (In the redwoods episode I also added a few sounds to the ambiance, California birds and flowing water, which I got from a bank of free sounds online.) Peter produces his own music under the name Brother Boost. It’s more folk than meditation music, but well worth checking out wherever you listen to music. Delighted that the meditations connect for you, and again, nice to meet you! Grace and peace.

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