Imaginative Contemplation: Jesus Appears to Mary

In this guided meditation, we are with Mary at the tomb, in the early hours of the third day. She has come to anoint Jesus’ body, and is greatly distressed by its absence.

We continue our series on the theme of transition, in-between times, liminal spaces.

A blogger named Dinah commented on this blog post: “I’ve always imagined liminal space to be like a trapeze artist who has let go of one swinging bar and is waiting to grab the one that is coming. Without letting go, there is no way to catch what’s coming in. It takes a lot of trust.”

In today’s meditation, based on John 20:11-18, Mary isn’t ready to see that she is in transition. She still clings with all she’s worth to her bar, to Jesus of Nazareth as she’s known him and loved him.

Jesus, however, is ushering her in to a different, but deeper relationship with both himself and the Father. She’s now being offered the same intimacy and access to the Father that Jesus has had himself. “I’m going to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” To step into this, she must let go of Jesus as she’s known him.

As you travel to this moment in your imagination, may you encounter the risen Jesus, and may this speak to whatever transition, or liminal space, you find yourself in just now.

Every blessing.

Contemplative at Home offers guided meditative prayer – space to slow down and listen to the truth that is being born out of God’s love for you today – drawing on Ignatian spirituality and at times, Lectio Divina.

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All music by Pete Hatch

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