A Poem for Passion Sunday

Today’s poem for meditation is One Foot in Eden, by Edwin Muir (1887-1959).

Blossoms of grief and charity

Bloom in these darkened fields alone …

The full poem can be read here.

Edwin Muir had an early taste of paradise, a rooting in Eden, growing up on a tiny island in Orkney.  He was suddenly snatched from that to the bleak world of industrial Glasgow. This poem holds together the reality of both these experiences.  Today, Passion Sunday, we begin the walk with Jesus to Jerusalem, to the cross and to resurrection. Life isn’t a neat walk from darkness into light, a spot of suffering and then a nice jump into glory!!  As you pray with Jesus at your side, name as truthfully as you can what you are experiencing, the real darkness, disease and death that is all around; but also ask Jesus to let the light of his passionate, costly love show you the surprising new blossoms and strange blessings that fall from these beclouded skies.

All of Tina’s Poems for Prayer posts can be found here.

2 Comments on “A Poem for Passion Sunday

  1. Thank-you, Lissy, for your work here.
    I look forward to reading more Poems for Prayer, via RSS.
    Stay well!

  2. Thank you Tina and Lissy for offering these poems, I’m really appreciating the written form as a special addition to the Friday audio (which I also love).

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