Poems for Prayer

March 2020

During this unusual season of social distancing, or sheltering at home, my own spiritual director Tina Lamb has kindly offered to share a poem, with a few reflection questions, each week. This will be in a written format, and you will find links to these posts here.

A Poem for Mothering Sunday (Seamus Heaney)

A Poem for Passion Sunday (Edwin Muir)

A Poem for Easter Sunday (J.M.C. Crum)

A Poem for the Second Sunday of Easter (RS Thomas)

Tina writes a bit about herself:

I’ve had a long and blessed life discovering the love of God in ordinary and extraordinary times. I’ve been an English teacher in England and Pakistan. I see the imagination as a wonderful bridge for God to use to take us to new and surprising things! Receiving and accompanying others in spiritual direction is a chief delight. I am most at home in the Ignatian tradition. I worship in our local Anglican church where I am a Reader (lay minister).