Poem for Trinity Sunday

Today’s poem is Caged Bird by Maya Angelou. Please click the link to find the text.

We may feel that our freedom has been a bit limited during this pandemic but that is NOT the
freedom that those whom Maya Angelou represents are crying out for. Those crying out in rage
this week, after the death of George Floyd, are crying out from a place where they have long
been locked in to cruel injustice and deep inequality. Many others across the world, who have
also been cruelly and unjustly caged in so many different ways, cry out for recognition of what
has been done.

Let’s pray to recognise our own deafness to those whose voices we don’t hear, for those we are
slow to recognise as our brothers and sisters. Cry to God for his freedom: “let justice roll down
like waters and righteousness like an ever lasting stream” (Amos 5:24), but be prepared to get

– Tina Lamb

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