Father and Son

A meditation with John 5:19-22, 24 using Lectio Divina.

After the man is healed at the pool of Bethesda, and some take issue with Jesus for healing on the Sabbath, Jesus goes on to describe the relationship between himself and the Father.

I invite you to listen with the ears of your heart, staying in your deep-self centre as you remain open for layers of meaning to come out of this text for you today.


Contemplative at Home offers guided meditative prayer – space to slow down and listen to the truth that is being born out of God’s love for you today – drawing on Ignatian spirituality and at times, Lectio Divina.

Sign up for Lissy’s newsletter “The Contemplative Window” or join our Facebook group here

You can support the show by sharing it with a friend, rating it on your preferred podcast platform, making a one-off donation or becoming a member. Thank you so much!

All music by Pete Hatch

Even on the Sabbath

A meditation with John 5:9-19 with The Message translation, using Lectio Divina.

Following on from the healing at the pool of Bethesda, this meditation takes us into the busy temple courtyard, where Jesus bumps into the man who has been made well.

Just for these few minutes, I invite you to leave your dogma, your creed, your thoughts, and your rational mind aside, and become present to your deeper self, your true self or essential self. I invite you to a way of unknowing, a place of deep being. 

Contemplative at Home offers guided meditative prayer – space to slow down and listen to the truth that is being born out of God’s love for you today – drawing on Ignatian spirituality and at times, Lectio Divina.

Sign up for Lissy’s newsletter “The Contemplative Window” or join our Facebook group here

You can support the show by sharing it with a friend, rating it on your preferred podcast platform, making a one-off donation or becoming a member. Thank you so much!

All music by Pete Hatch

Pool of Bethesda

A meditation with imaginative contemplation in John’s Gospel, chapter 5, verses 2-8.

In imaginative contemplation, we try to make the scene come alive in our minds eye. Some people can conjure very vivid images, sounds and smells in their minds, others experience more of an emotional impression. There is no right or wrong way to do this, the purpose of imaginative contemplation is to allow the gospel encounter to become your own in some way, to allow the text to bring the Word in a fresh way.

I found the following images helpful in framing this scene, so I thought I’d share them with you.

Grace and peace to you as you pray, as always.

Pools of Jerusalem. Shows area north of temple mount. Photo by Leon Mauldin.

Pool of Bethesda by James Tissot

If you enjoy this meditation, you may also enjoy the follow up meditation, “Even on the Sabbath“, when Jesus encounters the healed man in the Temple, later that same day.

Contemplative at Home offers guided meditative prayer – space to slow down and listen to the truth that is being born out of God’s love for you today – drawing on Ignatian spirituality and at times, Lectio Divina.

Sign up for Lissy’s newsletter “The Contemplative Window” or join our Facebook group here

You can support the show by sharing it with a friend, rating it on your preferred podcast platform, making a one-off donation or becoming a member. Thank you so much!

All music by Pete Hatch

Spirit and Truth

A meditation in John’s Gospel, John 4:23-26, using Lectio Divina.

Today we return to Jesus and the Samaritan woman, engaged in conversation beside the well. They’ve come upon one fundamental difference between Jewish and Samaritan religious practice: “Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you say the place where people must worship is Jerusalem.” Jesus seems to want to move away from this line of debate altogether.

In this meditation on John’s Gospel, I invite you to join me in taking a ‘long, loving look’ at a few verses of text, beholding the words as living, shimmering, life-giving containers which hold endless layers of wisdom, mystery, beauty and truth.

Just for these few minutes, I invite you to leave your dogma, your creed, your thoughts, and your rational mind aside, and become present to your deeper self, your true self or essential self. I invite you to a way of unknowing, a place of deep being. 

Contemplative at Home offers guided meditative prayer – space to slow down and listen to the truth that is being born out of God’s love for you today – drawing on Ignatian spirituality and at times, Lectio Divina.

Sign up for Lissy’s newsletter “The Contemplative Window” or join our Facebook group here

You can support the show by sharing it with a friend, rating it on your preferred podcast platform, making a one-off donation or becoming a member. Thank you so much!

All music by Pete Hatch

Give me a Drink

A meditation in John’s Gospel, John 4:5-13, with imaginative contemplation.

The story of the woman at the well is one that most listeners will be very familiar with. Sometimes over-familiarity breeds disconnection: we stop seeing the things we look at every day.

Here I’m asking you to really imagine that you are actually in the scene. Is this well in a small clearing or in a big open place? Is the ground flat or steep? Where and how is Jesus sitting by this well – are there seats of some kind or is he on the ground? What is he doing as he waits for his friends to bring food – resting, or praying? It is so, so hot. You must feel the heat of the day.

And what is the woman’s gut response as she discovers this Jewish man loitering at the well?

I hope that you experience this exchange in a new way, that there will be a vibrant sense of fresh living waters bubbling up, to nourish and restore you.

Every blessing, as always.

Contemplative at Home offers guided meditative prayer – space to slow down and listen to the truth that is being born out of God’s love for you today – drawing on Ignatian spirituality and at times, Lectio Divina.

Sign up for Lissy’s newsletter “The Contemplative Window” or join our Facebook group here

You can support the show by sharing it with a friend, rating it on your preferred podcast platform, making a one-off donation or becoming a member. Thank you so much!

All music by Pete Hatch

Without Measure

A contemplative meditation based on John 3:33-36, with breathwork.

This meditation was recorded on a very warm September afternoon – the window was open, so the birdsong and passing planes are part of the soundscape. Perhaps you can imagine God’s kindness towards both you and the little birds as you listen.

The shape of this meditation was modelled on Anthony De Mello’s Sadhana: A Way to God (Chapter 6, God in My Breath).

Blessings as you pray.

Contemplative at Home offers guided meditative prayer – space to slow down and listen to the truth that is being born out of God’s love for you today – drawing on Ignatian spirituality and at times, Lectio Divina.

Sign up for Lissy’s newsletter “The Contemplative Window” or join our Facebook group here

Support the show by sharing it with a friend, rating it on your preferred podcast platform, or by becoming a member for just a few $ or £ per month. Thank you so much!

All music by Pete Hatch

Grace upon Grace

An 8-minute meditation with John 1:16

In this simple meditation we sit with the verse “From his fullness, we have all received grace upon grace.”

May deep breaths and deep peace be yours, whatever else may be for you today.

Contemplative at Home offers guided meditative prayer – space to slow down and listen to the truth that is being born out of God’s love for you today – drawing on Ignatian spirituality and at times, Lectio Divina.

Sign up for Lissy’s newsletter “The Contemplative Window” or join our Facebook group here

You can support the show by sharing it with a friend, rating it on your preferred podcast platform, making a one-off donation or becoming a member. Thank you so much!

All music by Pete Hatch

Live in Love

A ten minute meditation (including 3 minutes of silence) with Ephesians 5:1-2.

Contemplative at Home offers guided meditative prayer – space to slow down and listen to the truth that is being born out of God’s love for you today – drawing on Ignatian spirituality and at times, Lectio Divina.

Sign up for Lissy’s newsletter “The Contemplative Window” or join our Facebook group here

You can support the show by sharing it with a friend, rating it on your preferred podcast platform, making a one-off donation or becoming a member. Thank you so much!

All music by Pete Hatch

Still Waters

An 8-minute meditation with Psalm 23:1-3.


Contemplative at Home offers guided meditative prayer – space to slow down and listen to the truth that is being born out of God’s love for you today – drawing on Ignatian spirituality and at times, Lectio Divina.

Sign up for Lissy’s newsletter “The Contemplative Window” or join our Facebook group here

You can support the show by sharing it with a friend, rating it on your preferred podcast platform, making a one-off donation or becoming a member. Thank you so much!

All music by Pete Hatch

Stilling and Silence

A 9-minute meditation, focusing on God’s loving presence, with 5 minutes of silence.

Dear Friends,

As I head away for the summer with my family, I’ve left a series of simple meditations for you to enjoy during August. This is the first of them.

Wherever you find yourself this month, may there be moments for stillness and reflection, and new discoveries in the rest.



Contemplative at Home offers guided meditative prayer – space to slow down and listen to the truth that is being born out of God’s love for you today – drawing on Ignatian spirituality and at times, Lectio Divina.

Sign up for Lissy’s newsletter “The Contemplative Window” or join our Facebook group here

Support the show by sharing it with a friend, rating it on your preferred podcast platform, or by becoming a member for just a few $ or £ per month. Thank you so much!

All music by Pete Hatch