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Discover the Gifts of Contemplative Prayer

The contemplative and mystical traditions of the Christian faith offer many approaches to deepening prayer. Here you'll find Ignatian-influenced Lectio Divina, Imaginative Contemplation, and the Examen alongside Centering Prayer and Guided Meditations. I've borrowed widely, developing my own unique style and approach along the way, and I'm always honoured to share this space with you.

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You are Rooted and Grounded in Love: Contemplative at Home’s Signature Meditation

Practice a mindful and embodied meditation on scripture with this 10-minute meditation.


In this calming and centering meditation, we become aware of the breath, and receive verses from the Psalms and Prophets, reminding us of God's tender love.


Gently become aware of your breath and deeply connect with the Love of God, to come away with a fresh perspective.

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"Contemplation is nothing else but a secret, peaceful, and loving infusion of God, which, if admitted, will set the soul on fire with the spirit of love."

- St John of the Cross, Dark Night of the Soul

Meditation Playlists

These sets of meditations on a theme can be used to dive deep into one topic, or direct your prayer path for a few days or weeks a time.

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Encounter God Afresh on the Ancient Paths

Contemplative at Home offers a supportive community, transformative courses, and enriching resources to guide you into new encounters with the Holy One. Discover the riches of the mystical and contemplative streams of Christianity alongside others who are exploring the questions as we journey more deeply into the heart of Christ. Newsletter subscribers receive the monthly(ish) Contemplative Window, offering reflections and pointing you to a wide range of portals into the still, open spaces. Lissy’s retreats offer a wider range of creative approaches to meditation and reflective prayer.

Contemplative Window

A monthly newsletter dropping widsom, beauty and a variety of links to conemplative offerings or access points. Stay up to date with newest offerings from Contemplative at Home while receiving support for your deepening journey.
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Events & Retreats

Love the audio meditations and wanting to go a bit deeper? Join Lissy in real time, either in-person or on a live call, to explore a wider variety of creative approaches to connection with God.
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Spiritual Direction

Engage Lissy as your spiritual director to accompany you on your spiritual journey, walking alongside and listening with you as you as you deepen your understanding of God and your own identity in God.
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Discover the Transformative Power of Christian Meditation for Deepening Faith and Prayer

The Christian Church has been home to meditative and contemplative practices for centuries and yet many Christians have never encountered these beautiful approaches towards growing intimacy with our Lord. If you’re ready to go deeper into your faith, you need no dogma or creed, just a willingness to slow down, to listen, and to open your heart to Love.
Receive Sensitive Guidance from a Fellow Seeker/Experienced Guide
Allow Scripture to Open with Fresh, Relevant Insights for you today
Find yourself more fully at home in the heart of God, and connect with others on a similar path

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