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Lectio Divina: Streams in the Desert

I’m still pondering the in-between, transition times of life and today’s Lectio Divina with Isaiah 43:16-21 opens a song of hope and promise in the wilderness. The prophet sings of a God who is moving and living, hovering over the wasteland, drawing and inviting the jackal and the owl and a people captive in Babylon into dance, into relationship, into life.

I wonder what the wasteland, the wilderness, has been for you? Perhaps a diagnosis, a bereavement, a breakup. A place where you may have been stranded once, or many times over. Where trust is betrayed, where comforts are stolen, where your very sense of self is up in the air.

May you sense the possibility of streams in the wasteland as you pray with these words, where the God of the wilderness invites you to dance.

May there be a word or phrase just for you.

Every blessing.

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