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Have a question or need assistance? I’m here to help. 

And I always love to hear what happened for you as you prayed with audio meditations! 

I may not have a chance to reply to your comments and feedback, but I do read every single message and I'm hugely encouraged to have you here. If you're getting in touch to ask a specific question or make a request, I will do my best to reply to you within two weeks.

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Find answers to commonly asked questions about spiritual guidance and session preparation.

The best way to find out whether I’ve made a meditation on a specific passage is to use the search function on the meditations page. Try searching by book and chapter eg Psalm 51, or with a description of the story eg Healing at the Pool. Do try a few combinations. If it doesn’t come up, I probably haven’t done it yet. Feel free to drop me a message to let me know you would appreciate it!

Not at the moment, but this is something I hope to look into.

Please check the spiritual direction page for current availability where you will also find an application form if you are interested in working with me.

Yes, I’d love to discuss this possibility with you, please use the contact me form above to let me know what you’re looking for. I welcome financial contributions for bespoke events.

I can host individuals with references on retreat in our barn in Warwickshire for any length of time from a few hours, up to eight days. I can also host small groups on retreat for a day (up to 12 people) or a weekend (up to 4 people). Please contact me above with as much detail as possible about what you’re looking for, and when you’d like to come.

Contemplative at Home is a self-supporting ministry funded by the kind donations of listeners.


All financial contributions do help me to support my family, as this work takes the time and energy that I would otherwise give to paid employment. If you appreciate this ministry and would like to support us in it, you can join the monthly supporters here. Thank you.

I’m a lay person with long-time experience in the Presbyterian Church (USA and PCI), and the Anglican church. I’ve been significantly formed by Ignatian Spirituality and resonate with the teachings of many Christian mystics including Teresa of Avila, Thomas Merton and Richard Rohr. I’m American but have lived in the UK and Ireland for over 20 years. Find out more about me here.

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