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Nourishing Space for Your Deepening Journey

Through Meditations, Retreats and Spiritual Direction, Contemplative at Home explores creative and contemplative approaches to prayer for growing intimacy with Christ and a deepening sense of wholeness, freedom and abundance of life.

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You are warmly welcome here.

My mission is to create spaces that enable you to step out of your demanding world and find your breath. To reconnect with your essential self and discover that the Lord of Love awaits within. These spaces might enable you to hear the beautiful truths the Lord is singing over you, right here in the middle of your commitments, challenges and news reels. Come with me to a quiet place and return with a new perspective. The Lord of Love, the Prince of Peace awaits.

About Lissy

Lissy’s Journey into the Contemplative Christian Tradition

Lissy Clarke, founder of Contemplative at Home.

Working as a Presbyterian youth intern in Seattle in the late 1990’s, I was first introduced to the mystical roots of the Christian tradition on a course called “Spirituality for Ministry”. It felt like waking up and coming home. When the youth work took me to Belfast, I found my way to the Jesuits in Ireland, with whom I began my training towards spiritual direction. This training was the genesis of the audio meditations you’ll find here.

With a husband and baby I later moved to Warwickshire in the UK and finished my training in spiritual accompaniment with the Anglican Diocese of Coventry, where I’ve been practising spiritual direction since 2012. I’ve more recently trained as a yoga teacher (CYT200), dancing mindfulness facilitator and supervisor for Spiritual Companions.

In 2018 we bought a 300 year old farmhouse where we host retreats and contemplative prayer courses in the converted barn. I remain passionate about holding creative and nourishing space for your journey towards wholehearted intimacy with the Lord, who loves you more than you could ever imagine.

As well as tending these virtual offerings and tending the buildings and grounds of our home/retreat space, I also am in a season of tending two teenage boys and two beehives. I’m an INFJ and enneagram 9.

I'm delighted that you are here! Welcome.

-Lissy Clarke


Rooted and Grounded in Love

Contemplative at Home sits in the mystical streams of the Christian faith, driven by a passion for journeying deeper into union with God with belief that creative, contemplative, embodied engagement with scripture and prayer are among the doors into the temple. My curated resources, courses, and events are designed to help you foster the contemplative spirit that you might become more fully at home to yourself and your Lord, and more fully alive to the world.

My direction of travel is always towards deeper intimacy with the heart of Christ and as such Contemplative at Home is wholeheartedly, but not prescriptively Christian. I will never ask you what your creed is, or expect you to go away with any specific belief or insight. I simply hold space in which you are invited to make yourself available for an encounter with Love. Come and join us!


I keep this empty mug, a gift of the Ignatian course in Ireland, in my prayer space to remind me that what matters most is the point of connection, the moment of contact between you and the presence of God. This is represented by the empty space within the cup, the space that allows the alchemy to take place. I can write meditations and host retreats and ask questions - and these are like the sides of cup, the shape and colour and energy of the cup. What is essential here however is not what I’m doing, but what happens in you as you encounter the Lord who loves you. That is where the alchemy of mystical union and transformation occurs. I simply hold the space, and as always, you are invited to step in, as you feel led. Love awaits you.

From People Who Love Contemplative at Home

I am so grateful that I happened upon your website and meditations a few months ago. Beginning my day with lectio divina and your guidance in meditation has been like a life preserver in some very trying times in our family. These trials have absolutely challenged my faith, and I’m trying to truly know Jesus these days (as opposed to the dogma I’ve known my whole life). Thank you for making this available- it is a treasure.
Thank you so much for the gift that ‘contemplative at home’ has become in reviving my spiritual life after a long ‘dark night of the soul’! I am deeply grateful to God and to you for your gentle, loving spirit and the space for prayer your meditations open up

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